The show will be held on Monday-Thursday July 17-20 with Friday the 21st as a RAIN date. The show will start at 5:00 or 5:30 daily with about 20 classes each day. Take a look at the prize list for details. The MINI HORSE SHOW concept is designed to make is simple to come the the show on any evening, show a bit and go home with no long waiting around for your classes.
Use Googe to see the twitter feed WITHOUT “following” fiesta farm by typing in twitter;fiestafarm to check Twitter. Update will be made every 30 minute about the show. You will be able to see who is showing, what time your classes might start and who won the last division by checking Twitter. Also check each day for weather updates to be sure the show is “on” for each day. Friday will act as a RAIN date for any day in which major storms are predicted. I hope to see you at the show!